There are four acts that go by the name Johnson: 1. Marc Johnson (også blot kendt som Johnson) er en dansk rapper med øgenavnet NiggerenISlæden. Han har tidligere været medlem af den hedengangne gruppen B.A.N.G.E.R.S. sammen med U$O, L.O.C. og DJ Rescue. Sammen udgav de en EP, som blev kaldt for V.I.P. EP'en i et meget lille oplag med fire tracks. Sidenhen har han udgivet en EP med barndomsvennen Ralle Malone som fik navnet Johnson & Malone og ... en single - Ingen gør som vi gør - med gruppen J.A.Z. (sammen med Alex og sin storesøster, Zindy Laursen). Johnsons første soloalbum blev udgivet den 29. maj 2006 og har titlen Det passer. På dette album gæsteoptræder bl.a. L.O.C., U$O og Alex. 2. Johnson (ജോണ്സന് in Malayalam) is a two time National Award winning Indian composer of film scores who has given music to some of the most important motion pictures of Malayalam cinema. He is noted for his lyrical and expressive melodies together with simple but rich tonal compositions of thematic music. Johnson is the one of two composers of Malayalee origin who has won a National Award for the best composition (the other being Ousepachen). 3. Johnson was also a band from Sydney, Australia. Band members met in 2000, and formed a group in 2001 with Simon R. Berckelman on vocals/electrical guitar, Mr C. E. Southwood on the drums, Rabone Hogan on vocals/bass guitar, and Joel Beeson on vocals/organ/clavinet. Their music draws inspiration from the 70's funk/psychedelic soul/black rock era (from They were signed to indie label Motherlovin' Records. They have since released 3 recordings; one disc was named "White Boy Funk", and the most recent was called "Motown Won't Return My Calls". They have played sell-out shows at a number of local pubs and clubs around Sydney, including The Annandale Hotel, The Gaelic Club, The Hopetoun Hotel and The Metro, which saw them quickly rise in popularity, gaining attention for their quirky on-stage personalities and addictive tunes. They also received considerable airplay on radio stations such as FBi, Triple J and 2SER, which helped to push them further into the limelight. They had a tour planned for Spring 2005 as well as the release of an upcoming full-length album, however it is difficult to find information regarding the success of these two events; and indeed there are no online sources that indicate clearly whether they are still active or have since disbanded. Their band name derives from the Latin 'John' - that is, one who solitics the services of prostitutes - and 'On' - short for 'on-the-one,' which refers to the use of rhythms that rely heavily on the first beat of each bar (from 4. Johnson is also a band from The Netherlands. 5. Johnson is a dutch plug rapper from anbu gang See more [+]