Band Jackyl <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="us" title="us" onerror="this.src=''">

Jackyl us

Jackyl is an American rock band formed in 1987. Their sound has been described as hard rock, heavy metal and Southern metal. The band is best known for its song "The Lumberjack", which features a chainsaw solo by lead singer Jesse James Dupree. On the recording, Dupree alternately revs the chainsaw's engine or uses the chain brake to slow the engine down to change the pitch. He also performs this stunt live and the number typically climaxes with ... Dupree slicing up a wooden stool onstage, smashing it, and throwing the sliced pieces out to the crowd. He once had been asked, "How the hell can you play a chainsaw?", to which he responded, "How the hell can you not play a chainsaw?" See more [+]


