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Love Hurts |||||
Tonight we drink to youth and holding fast the truth don't w...
Drive |||||
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear. ...
11am |||||
The garbage truck beaps as it backs up And I start my day th...
Mexico |||||
So why couldn't you have met me halfway? You could see me bl...
I Miss You |||||
Introdução e Verso *-Introdução...
Southern Girl |||||
Is everything a baited hook? And are there locks on all doo...
Oil And Water |||||
You & I are like oil & water & we've been trying, trying, tr...
Talk Show On Mute |||||
Take a bow pack of powder wash em out with buzzing lights pa...
Here In My Room |||||
This party is old and uninviting Participants all in black a...
Original |||||
I only go where I'm wanted you go only where you want I aim ...
De do do Do, de da da da |||||
1. Don't think me unkind, words are hard to find. The only...
Adolescents |||||
I'm feeling out of bounds, out of bounds I'm running out of ...
If Not Now, When? |||||
I have waited, dined on ashed, swung from chandeliers and cl...
Black Heart Inertia |||||
Walking alone tonight Cause I've only got room for two Me an...
Absolution Calling |||||
verse 1 It's like an intuition or a feeling in the air An ...
In The Company Of Wolves |||||
I was lost but now I am found. A line was crossed, a vessel ...
Aqueous Transmission Intro |||||
~ = vibrato (wiggle the string) Listen to the song to get th...
Circles |||||
pre verse(1x) verse(x4) pre chorus(x4) chorus D- D- VERSE,PR...
Isadore |||||
You can't just leave I've given everything I can't believe ...
A crow left of the murder |||||
Introdução e Verso "Riff Principal"....
When It Comes |||||
S = splash (verse 1) H -xxxxxxx-xxxxxxxâ¦xxxxxxxx-xddx---â¦x...
Everything Is Dead |||||
very fast, and it would be too confusing to try and include ...
Nimble Bastard |||||
Has it come to this? We're stuck in the weeds I get it, I'm ...
Out From Under |||||
1-4.] Verse Endings This song gets a little confusing. Numbe...
Paper Shoes |||||
And then like a locomotive the sound of your sorrow comes. ...
Pardon Me |||||
Riff1 (hit chord then bring volume up) Pardon me__ while I b...
Promises, Promises |||||
I'm only 23 for another hour, give or take I'm a fan of your...
Roxanne |||||
Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light Those days ar...
Sink Beneath The Line |||||
O = Snare and Hi-Hat Accent * X = open [HiHat) ...
Calogne |||||
Kinda difficult to get timing on that riff. Just listen to c...
Talk Shows On Mute |||||
Take a bow, pack on powder, wash 'em out with buzzing lights...
The Warmth |||||
chorus 00:55-01:00 verse 1 01:00-01:26 chorus 01:27-01:53 ve...
Walking On The Moon |||||
(Giant steps are what you take walking on the moon ) (bridge...
Anti-gravity |||||
tonight possible phone fly myself canopy phone be (play 2x...
Wish You Were Here |||||
I dig my toes into the sand The ocean looks like a thousand ...
Glass |||||
Near the end of the bridge just before the chorus, move up t...
Are You In Remix |||||
Verse (You have to listen to the song for timing) Chorus Sol...
Blood on the Ground |||||
Opening chord (A bit of overdrive and a bit of flange) Intro...
Familiar |||||
Play this just once, then play part one again a couple times...
Earth To Bella Part 1 |||||
Earth to Bella you think you've got it all figured in Earth ...