Band Detroit <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="us" title="us" onerror="this.src=''"> > M

Detroit us > M

There are three bands that have used the name Detroit: 1. Detroit - Powerfuckingviolence from Edmonton, AB. First release Pusher out on Grindcore Karaoke, split with Robocop to be released in january on Give Praise Records and Grindcore Karaoke. 2. Detroit (#2) was a rock band from Minneapolis, MN who gained a cult following for their over the top stage show and catchy pop-rock songs. Detroit put out three records, the self-titled "Detroit" ... , the double album "A Brand New Testament" and "3". Detroit also released the "Group Fight EP" and "Senior Suitcase EP". Detroit plays infrequent reunion shows which are not to be missed. After the end of Detroit, Jeff Ham went on to front Manplanet with the support of Detroit Guitarist HUTCH (aka Grant Eull). Jeff is now a member of E.L.nO. 3. Detroit (#3) - In the summer of 2008 while on a SMALL tour across Ontario members of Lion Ride and The Labour Of... decided to collaberate and create what they deemed to be the ultimate in a "pre-post punk rock" experiment. Featuring the crushing guitars of Curtis Faux, the head banging bass of Mark Rand, the human battering ram that is Mikey Hawdon on drums and the one man mosh pit Brenton Ellis on vocals DETROIT was formed and the stage was set (ablaze). Over the course of the next few months the experiment has mutated into an 11 song E.P. entitled "Let the Hammers Fly" available early 2009, a must have for any enthusiest of loud, fast, ballsout punk rock! Now ready to also be a must see, DETROIT is embraking on the third phase of their evergrowing experiment and will be booking shows wherever and whenever in 2009. DETROIT, This isn't meant to hurt...This is meant to KILL!!! See more [+]