Artist Circle Takes The Square <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="us" title="us" onerror="this.src=''">

Circle Takes The Square us

Circle Takes The Square was formed in Savannah, Georgia in early 2000. Soon after the forming, the band wrote songsfor a demo CD fortouring andsoon after recorded for a split 7" with the mighty Pg.99. Following the release of the 7",co-founder Collin Kelly left the band andwas replaced by BobbyScandiffio in late 2004.In the early summer of 2003, theband recorded their debut full-length entitled 'As The Roots Undo', which received widespreadcritic ... alacclaim. Followingthe album's tracking the band hit the road for the better chunk of the year, resulting in an odometer that's seenthreelarge-scale US tours, a UK jaunt and countless week-long excursions over the years, all while a full-time collegeschedule.Graduating from college now allowsthe band to fulfill their intense passion for playing live, during which CTTSsubmits themselves to thechallenge of communicating with unfamiliar facesusing only the vocabulary that music canprovide. Each show allows exploration ofemotions and experiences from a new perspective, as translated intothisunique and amazing language of sound. This is all achievedthrough their primary interest of no genre limitations with ahealthy respect toinnovation.With hefty touring planned for the immediate future and another album on the eventualhorizon, Circle Takes The Square continue toexpandon the tracks they've already forged. A wide variety of fans haveturned their ears to the band... kids that like everything abrasive/chaoticfromBlood Brothers and Daughters to the moreindie-minded sounds of Bright Eyes and Cursive... all having found CTTS to be a captivatingexperience. Withtheevolution of the band anything but clear yet undoubtedly incredible, the excitement surrounding this young groupistruly a fascinating thing tobehold.Adapted from: See more [+]

