Singer Chelou <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="null" title="null" onerror="this.src=''">

Chelou null

From a shimmering dreamy folk-pop setting, the singer-guitarist-songwriter systematically introduces into his compositions, initially very cushy, let's face it, bursts of pretty futuristic oddities. This is manifested by cascades of echoes where the voices (his) intoxicate us, by playful electronic manipulations, drums that start to cross swords with rhythm boxes or even long brass spurts, released From nowhere. If not a single piece of this badl ... y named Real had to be quoted , it would certainly be the unreal 3 in 1 conclusion.. A glowing pop ballad with an almost hip-hop neurasthenic beat (ah, anyway!), Where melancholy flows in great waves thanks to the scent of a vaguely jazzy trumpet. We will be more reserved on the texts, more than half of which are cocky around the singer's breakup in love. Even if we agree, it's weird to be dumped. See more [+]




