Band Attaque 77 <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="ar" title="ar" onerror="this.src=''"> > E

Attaque 77 ar > E

Formed in 1987 as a group of friends that joined to play their favorite songs, most of them by The Ramones, their favorite band and the one that most influenced them, they went into stage with the same punk style, lyrics with proletarian contents (about exploited factory workers, etc.) and the jean jackets that were one of their signatures in their beginnings. Though is difficult to recognize them now, because they have changed in many aspects an ... d grown with their music, they are still one of the best and most famous Argentine punk groups in Latin America. When they were just starting, they played the monotonous punk style characteristic of the punk groups of the late 1980s, but they now play a modern style of the likes of the neo punk. Also they do not wear denim anymore as it has become a fashion and they dislike fashion. High points in the band's history we include the album El Cielo Puede Esperar (Heaven can wait), which made them famous; the high-selling album Amen and the successful 2003 album Antihumano (Anti-human). All the members of the group are vegetarians and so they have composed many songs promoting animals rights, including Espiral de silencio (Spiral of Silence), San Fermin, Ojos de perro (Dog's Eyes). Some of their favorite bands, and those that have had the most influence on them, are: The Clash, Bad Religion and the already mentioned Ramones. According to polls by their fan club Regimiento de pecadores (Sinners regiment), their most famous song is Hacelo por mi (Do it for me) and their best lyrics are in the song Donde las aguilas se atreven (Where the eagles dare) from which this fan club gets its name. Current Members: Demian "Ciro" Pertusi - lead vocals (1989-present), guitar (1994-present), bass (1987-1989). Mariano Martinez - guitar (1987-present). Luciano Scaglione - bass (1994-present). Leonardo "Chito" De Cecco - drums (1989-present). Former Members: Federico Pertusi - lead vocals (1987-1989). Danio Martinez - guitar (1987-1989). Adrian "Chino" Vera - bass (1989-1994). Claudio Leiva - drums (1987-1989). See more [+]