Artist ALÍPIO MARTINS <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="br" title="br" onerror="this.src=''"> > L


Alipio Martins (Bethlehem, June 13, 1944 - Bethlehem, March 24, 1997) was a singer and music producer brasileiro.1 was one of the exponents of the lambada and tacky, Latin rhythm that became fever in Brazil in the 80s, along with Joseph Orlando, Beto Barbosa, Odair José, Reginaldo Rossi, Altemar Dutra, José Augusto, Carlos Alexandre, Nilton Cesar, Paulo Sérgio, Wando, Sidney Magal, Sheep, Waldick Soriano, Amilton Melo, Agnaldo Timothy, Moacyr Fra ... nco, José Ribeiro, anisio Silva, Barty Galen, Fernando Mendes, Antonio Marcos, Sandro Lucio, Julio Nascimento, Lairton and their keyboards, among others. Since adolescence, Alipio dreamed of becoming a professional musician and be successful, this dream which remained until his death on March 24, 1997. At age 15, ran away from home with no money and traveled by ship, as a stowaway, for Rio de Janeiro, on a trip of about 30 days. On the trip, was discovered by the ship's cook, however, managed to come to terms with the crew to confess his dream. Alipio Martins believed was best music producer than singer. Several artists who recorded with Alipio remind yourself of stories and techniques used by him during the recordings. Among his major achievements stand out "Girl," "There Will It," "Where You Will Walk", "Come Love Me" and "To Me You Died". As a composer wrote such hits as "I want you," Hey, pssiu "," Girl of the Interior. " Their major partners as a composer Marcelle, José Orlando, Chico Roque, Jesus Couto. During his career received 12 gold records, 8 Platinum, 1 Double Platinum, plus 5 Gold Disc by Productions, with Disc sales, CDs and tapes totaling nearly 5 million unidades.1 He died at age 52, stomach cancer victim. See more [+]