Singer Adrian Legg <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="gb" title="gb" onerror="this.src=''"> > L

Adrian Legg gb > L

Talented fingerstyle guitarist. Born May 16, 1948, in London, England; Addresses: Home--London, England He can play many, many different genres of finger style and plectrum guitar. Impossible to categorize as a player, Adrian Legg incorporates virtually every genre on his guitar in a virtuosic instrumental style with effects. He brought electric approaches to acoustic playing, creating a modern cross-over amalgamation in the tradition of ecle ... ctic folk playing that goes back to the 1960s." - Guitar by Richard Chapman, 2000 Studied oboe during childhood; left home at 15 years of age; joined Liverpool country band, c. 1968; performed with other British and Irish country bands before going solo in 1973; released Requiem for a Hick, 1977; began working in instrument design and repair, late 1970s-82; published Customizing Your Electric Guitar, 1981; returned to performing and released Techno Picker, 1983; began touring extensively in the U.S., U.K., and other countries; signed with Relativity Records, c. 1989. Adrian supported Joe Satriani Adrian is guest soloist on Eric Johnson's . See more [+]





