Band A Camp <img src="" width="20" height="15" alt="null" title="null" onerror="this.src=''"> > S

A Camp null > S

A Camp first drew breath in a forest in Northern Sweden, neck deep in snow, in the waning of the last millenium, amongst families of foxes. It began a collabrative effort between two Swedish humans: Nina Persson, whose band The Cardigans had seen crazy success in the roaring 90s, and Niclas Frisk, a sonic wanderer who had himself enjoyed pop stardom with his band Atomic Swing. In common was a love for classic American music, and a melancholy bot ... h universal and somehow highly specific to the Scandinavian psyche. It was imported maple syrup, chickory coffee, and the around-the-clock blackness that is the Swedish winter that fueled the first stage of the recording sessions, those that would eventually evolve into the self titled A Camp debut record . The duo recorded a collection of songs in 1998, but the project was suspended while they attended to other matters…in Nina’s case, it was another Cardigans album (Gran Turismo) and tour. Niclas moved on to a temporary foyer into profane gospel music. Also in the cards for Nina was a move to New York City with future-husband and fellow rocker Nathan Larson, an american film composer who had known some modest success in the 90s with his band Shudder To Think. After a span of about three years, Nina choose to saddle up again with A Camp. Listening to the earlier sessions, she found them wanting for a certain frailty… See more [+]