Greedy, mischievous
Global, colonial
Bloodthirsty, blind
Mindless and cheap
Focused on borders
And slaughter and sheep
Given to targeted killing
With drones
Lethal injections
Arrest without trial
verse 3
Unction, sarcasm
Common assault
Self-satisfied heroic killers
Lifted on high
verse 4
On women by bullies and perverts and hacks
The rigging of ballots and the buying of power
Verse 5
Mute, indifferent
Feeling no shame
Portly, important
Leering, deranged
Verse 6
Deaf to the cries of children in pain
Dead to the world
Just watching the game
Verse 7
But when I met you, that part of me died
Bring me a bowl
To bathe her feet in
Bring me my final cigarette
It would be better by far to die in her arms
Than to linger
In a lifetime of regret